CRAFT is about software craftsmanship, presenting which tools, methods, practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company, and serving as compass on new technologies, trends. You can learn from the best speakers and practitioners in our community.
Technology Fellow at Battery Ventures at Battery Venture
Tech Lead / Senior Software Engineer at Twitter at Twitter
Principal at Dan North & Associates at Dan North & Associates
Engineer at Fastly at Fastly
Author, Speaker, Organizational Designer at
Deputy Director of Delivery Arch. and Infra. Services at 18F at 18F
Chief Technology Officer at Etsy at Etsy
C*O at MetaProg GmbH at MetaProg GmbH
Author, Speaker, Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks at ThoughtWorks
Partner at Silicon Valley Product Group at Silicon Valley Product Group
Owner at Poppendieck.LLC at Poppendieck.LLC
Director at R7K Research & Conveyance at R7K LLC
Founder and CEO of HashiCorp at HashiCorp
PhD Candidate at MIT in Distributed Systems at MIT
Team Lead at Unruly at Unruly
Developer at Thoughtworks at ThoughtWorks
Software Craftsman / Managing Director at Codurance at Codurance
Distinguished Consultant at Zuhlke Engineering at Zuhlke Engineering
Developer Advocate at JetBrains at JetBrains
Founder of Agile Developer Inc. at Agile Developer Inc.