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Marek Ć uppa

Head of Data at Slido


Failure-driven Development: The Time-Tested Innovation Approach

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There are many ways one can go about doing innovation, but at Slido we found the most reliable approach of all to be (perhaps unsurprisingly) failure. In this talk we'll walk though the more notable ones we lived through, how we recovered and how it lead to various interesting (and potentially innovative) ideas on multiple fronts, from infrastructure through Machine Learning models and their deployment all the way to development experience.


Marek is currently leading the Data Organization at Slido ( , where they are trying to change the way audiences interact. Previously, he was helping to build a private search engine at DuckDuckGo (

His other occupation is teaching ( at the Comenius University ( in Bratislava. When it comes to research, his interests are in NLP and applications of Computer Vision and generally Machine Learning to interesting practical problems. Marek also used to build robots (, especially soccer playing ones. Now you can mostly find him spend his holiday giving back to the society at the  RoboCupJunior (