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Hannes Lowette

Head of Learning & Development at Axxes


Actors can rule your DDD world

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Have you considered using an actor model to build an event based CQRS system? Why not? Actors and DDD are a match made in heaven!

When developers learn about DDD, they tend to find a way to work the principles into their codebase. After a while, they may end up with some form of event sourcing or CQRS. But often times, the possibilities of using an actor model, such as Akka.NET, are overlooked.

In this talk I will show you to all the things you need to know if you want to build such a system using .NET 6 and Akka.NET. Expect to see a lot of code!


Hannes is a developer, a coach and a father of 3.

In .NET development, he has always had a passion for performance, databases, distributed systems and large scale applications. But most of all, he likes playing devil’s advocate in technical discussions by drawing the ‘it depends’ card.

As a coach, he is enthusiastic about knowledge sharing, personal growth and building careers. All this while keeping in mind that the pace needs to be sustainable.

In his free time, when he’s not building LEGO® castles with his kids, he likes to spend time building guitars, playing chess or poker, tasting whisky and doing all round geeky stuff.

You can occasionally find him on an afterparty stage at PubConf or with Dylan Beattie & the Linebreakers.