Note: this is a past event Check out the current event!

Nick Tune

Tech Consultant at Independent


Domain-Driven Design & Team Topologies Hands-on
team topologies
software architecture
domain-driven design

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In this workshop, you’ll get a taste of what it’s like to apply Domain-Driven Design and Team Topologies on a real project to map out a business and identify architecture and team boundaries. No experience of Domain-Driven Design or Team Topologies is necessary, so come by even if you’re just curious. Firstly, you’ll learn how Even Storming is used to collaboratively model business flows. Then, working in small groups, you’ll be slicing up the event storm into domains and sub-domains which are the blueprint for your architecture and teams. Then, you’ll learn to apply principles and patterns from Team Topologies to validate and refine the domain boundaries to ensure they don’t exceed the cognitive load of teams.

Equipment Setup

For this session you’ll be working in-person in groups ~5 people, but we’ll be using Miro as well. Miro is a virtual whiteboard which you can install on your laptop or tablet, or access via the browser. We recommend creating a free account Miro (this will allow other people to see your real name) and taking 5 minutes to familiarize yourself with the basic controls. You can watch a couple of short videos on the Miro Academy to quickly get upto speed:


Nick works with technology leaders at each flight level to architect businesses and software, and build high-performing organizations. He is the author of three books: Architecture: Product, Domain, and Team-Oriented; Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (Wrox); Designing Autonomous Teams and Services (O'Reilly).