Note: this is a past event Check out the current event!

Kelsey Hightower

Staff Developer Advocate at Google Cloud Platform at Google


Building Microservices with gRPC and Kubernetes
Friday 17:05 - 17:50

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gRPC is a general RPC framework focused on performance and interoperability across a wide range of programming environments. gRPC was initially developed at Google as a successor to an internal RPC platform called Stubby — a general application platform at the heart of many Google products and services. gRPC seeks not only to replicate the success of Stubby, but improve upon it, in the open, around modern standards such as HTTP/2 and proven technologies such as Protocol Buffers.

In this session we will demonstrate, through a series of live demos and code walkthroughs, how to design, build, and deploy a collection of microservices using gRPC from the ground up. Key gRPC concepts will be covered including authenticating gRPC services and clients, service discovery, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

After attending this session attendees will understand:

  • How to use modern authentication flows to authenticate gRPC clients and servers
  • How to effectively leverage common service discovery backends to register and locate gRPC services
  • How to define messages and gRPC services using the Protocol Buffers 3 IDL and generate Go service stubs using the go-grpc plugin
  • How to generate client libraries for non-Go languages for increased interoperability
  • How to deploy gRPC services using containers and clusters manager management tools such as Kubernetes


Taming microservices with Kubernetes
Wednesday 9:00 - 17:00
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Materials or downloads needed in advance
Google Compute Engine account, a laptop, working SSH client, and GitHub account.

Linux containers are only part of the puzzle when designing large scale infrastructure for microservices. First you’ll need a host to run your containers, as the OS is still a requirement. Next you’ll need to configure your containers and deploy them in a way that utilizes your resources efficiently. When that’s all done, you’ll need a way for the services running inside your containers to announce and discover each other. Oh and you need to do all of that fast; manual processes don’t work at scale. A tall order no doubt, but Kubernetes has you covered.

After attending this tutorial you’ll know how to:

  • Provision a small Kubernetes cluster
  • Package your applications as Linux containers
  • Manage application configurations with etcd
  • Implement service discovery and keep your sanity
  • Deploy and manage Linux containers with Kubernetes


Kelsey has worn every hat possible throughout his career in tech and enjoys leadership roles focused on making things happen and shipping software. Kelsey is a strong open source advocate focused on building simple tools that make people smile. When he is not slinging Go code you can catch him giving technical workshops covering everything from Programming, System Administration, and his favorite Linux distro of the month (CoreOS).