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Idit Levine

Office of the CTO & Cloud Native App at Cloud Foundry Foundation


Linux, Unikernel, LinuxKit: towards redefining the cloud stack
Thursday 16:05 - 16:50
Moby Project

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One of the major announcement last week at DockerCon 2017 was LinuxKit, a tool to create minimal and safer operating system for running your containers.

This announcement marks a new phase in the quest to redefine the the stack in the cloud, which had started with the introduction of Unikernels.

In this session we will provide a deep dive on LinuxKit, Unikernels and what they mean for the future of the cloud.

We will discuss how these approaches are Integrated with clusters management tools like kubernetes, and show a few demos.


Idit Levine is a leader and innovator in the Cloud open source community, and the founder of Until recently, Idit was CTO for cloud management division at EMC and a member of its global CTO office, where she had focused on Management and Orchestration (M&O) over the entire stack and on microservices, cloud native apps, cluster management and Platform as a Service. Idit’s fascination with the cloud sprouted when she joined DynamicOps (vRealize, now part of VMware) as one of its first employees. She subsequently took part in developing the new-generation public cloud of Verizon Terremark, and served as an acting CTO at Intigua, a startup company that focuses on container and management technology.