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Diogo Monica

Security Lead at Docker at Docker


Secret Distribution in a Containerized World
Thursday 15:00 - 15:45
Secret Distribution

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A critical element of building safer apps is having a secure way of communicating with other apps and systems, something that often requires credentials, tokens, passwords and other types of confidential information—usually referred to as application secrets. With containers, applications are now dynamic and portable across multiple environments. This made existing secrets distribution solutions inadequate because they were largely designed for static environments. Unfortunately, this has led to an increase in mismanagement of application secrets, making it common to find insecure, home-grown solutions, such as embedding secrets into version control systems like GitHub, or other equally bad—bolted on—point solutions.

In this talk I will go over Docker Secrets, a container native solution that improves the security of your infrastructure by integrating secret distribution directly into the container platform.


Diogo Mónica is the Security Lead at Docker, an open platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications. He was an early employee at Square where he led the platform security team. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Communication Networks Engineering and is currently a Security Researcher at the distributed systems group. Diogo also serves on the board of advisors of several security startups and is a long-time IEEE Volunteer.