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Cornelia Davis

Sr. Director of Technology at Pivotal at Pivotal


Being Software Driven: It Takes a Platform
Friday 14:35 - 15:20

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The last decade has seen a revolution in the manner in which digital experiences are brought to consumers. The companies who are not just meeting increased consumer expectations, but are creating them, are operating within very different organizational structures than their predecessors, and are wrapping new processes around them. And they are using a fundamentally different toolset than before.

In this talk I will cover that toolset, not from a specific set of products or OSS projects, but rather by looking at the patterns that such a platform must implement. Sure, container orchestration is part of that toolset (yep, docker is one option here) but it is only a small portion of everything that is needed. You’ll come away from the talk with new ideas for how you can manage the construction and operation of applications in this new era.


A self-proclaimed propellerhead, Cornelia Davis is the Sr. Directory of Technology at Pivotal, where she helps customers develop and execute on their cloud platform strategies. Responsible for guiding clients on the technical elements of broader transformation, she focuses on making developers and operations teams successful with the Pivotal Cloud Foundry application and data platform. To that end, you’ll find her knee deep in the code base, writing cloud native apps and deploying them onto the platform, teaching at a whiteboard, talking Devops, presenting at conferences and passionately driving new features into the product.

When not doing those things you can find her on the yoga mat or in the kitchen.