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Nick Tune

API Platform Lead at Navico


Domain-Driven Design: Hidden Lessons from the Big Blue Book
Thursday 11:55 - 12:40
Domain-Driven Design
Sociotechnical Architecture

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We are entering an incredible new era of digital product development where users expect a seamless experience across all of their touchable, wearable, and voice-activated devices. How can we learn to develop software effectively in this new digital-by-default world?

What if the answers are hidden away as secret messages in a 15 year old book?  

Are bounded contexts really used to design loosely coupled code, or are they one of the most powerful organisation design tools used to enable autonomous, self-organising teams? Are core domains just academic jargon that get in the way of shiny technical practices like event sourcing, or is understanding business core domains one of the key differentiators between high-performing delivery teams and the rest of us?

Let’s go on an adventure and see if the big blue big and can help us in this brave new world.

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Nick is a strategic technical leader at Navico. He has a passion for delighting users, creating business impacts, crafting quality software, and building world-class engineering teams. He is the co-author of two books: Patterns, Principles and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (Wrox) and Designing Autonomous Teams and Services (O'Reilly).