Many organizations today strive to establish autonomous development teams who can move as independently of each other as possible. The goal is to achieve speed and scalability - but what does architecture governance look like in such a decentralised setup? We’ll discuss how to keep everybody aligned on a shared understanding of the architecture and thus avoid prescriptive standardisation without getting chaos.
Watch the talk Check the slidesMartin is an author, speaker, consultant and self-described general loud-mouth on software development. He concentrates on designing enterprise software – looking at what makes a good design and what practices are needed to come up with good design. Fowler has been a pioneer of various topics around object-oriented technology and agile methods, and written several books including Refactoring, UML Distilled, and Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. For the last decade he’s worked at ThoughtWorks, what he considers a “really rather good” system delivery and consulting firm, and writes at