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Julie Lerman

Software Coach, Author, DDD Advocate at The Data Farm


Dev and Test Agility for your Database with Docker
Friday 15:50 - 16:35
SQL Server

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Agile practices teach us how to deal with evolving applications but so often the data store is overlooked as a component of your application lifecycle. Database servers are monolothic, resource intensive and mostly viewed as set in stone. Encapsulating your database server in a container and your database in a storage container can dramatically lighten the load and make your database as agile as your model and other processes. And you can even use a serious enterprise class database like SQL Server this way. This session will show how to benefit from using a containerized version of SQL Server for Linux during development and testing. We'll also address concerns about data that needs to be persisted. You'll also get a peek at the DevOps side of this, including using images in your CI/CD process.

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Julie Lerman brings over 30 years of experience designing software systems and coding. She is recognized by Microsoft in their elite Regional Director program as well as a long-time Microsoft MVP and a Docker Captain. Julie makes her living as a coach and consultant to software teams around the world as they strategize the future of their legacy systems or plan for new ones. You can find Julie presenting on Domain Driven Design, .NET technologies, data, cloud and other topics at conferences around the world. Julie blogs at, is the author of the highly acclaimed “Programming Entity Framework” books, the MSDN Magazine Data Points column and popular videos on