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Alex Schladebeck

Head of Software Quality and Test Consulting at BREDEX GmbH


Heuristics and hunches in exploratory testing
Friday 13:40 - 14:25
exploratory testing

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How did we find that bug? What does it mean when we say “we had a feeling that was going to happen”? Can we get more concrete at describing how our brains are working when we do exploratory testing? Yes, we can. In this talk I’ll talk about the wide variety of heuristics we’re using when we’re doing exploratory testing. I’ll bring examples of ones I’ve noticed and talk about how we can all go about identifying our own and others’ heuristics.Join this session if you want to improve your exploratory testing, get better at describing what you do, or want to find ways of teaching others about it.

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Alex is an outgoing and passionate team leader, consultant, software tester and product owner. Communicating with people is her main focus – something she is fortunate to do frequently in her role as Head of Software Quality and Test Consulting at BREDEX GmbH.

Alex comes from a background in language and linguistics,  and has been working in IT since 2005. She spends her time coaching testers and developers, consulting customers and helping development teams to improve their quality. She loves working in agile processes, talking about testing and quality, and encouraging communication magic to happen. She no longer describes herself as non-technical, but she still sees her role as translating between different groups of people in IT.