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Iccha Sethi

Principal Engineer, Stride at Atlassian


From Requirements to Resilient Event Driven Systems with Kafka
Friday 15:40 - 16:25
event driven architecture

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For the past year, Atlassian has been leveraging Kafka, for its new chat tool Stride™.  The team uses Kafka for a wide variety of features, ranging from notifications to storing message, all of which have varying levels of resiliency requirements.  The speaker will share lessons learned as a result of building an event driven architecture for building notifications, going deep on what stats to measure and why, tracing and resiliency mechanisms like deadletter queues and what mechanism is best for particular requirements.  How can you improve your own systems?

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Iccha Sethi is currently a Principal Developer at Atlassian, and received her Masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech.  Areas of current focus include Event Driven Systems and microservices, and Iccha is fortunate to get to work on those every day while building Stride for Atlassian.  She was a long-time contributor to OpenStack and has been a popular speaker at industry conferences. Iccha is also a big proponent of team culture and diversity in tech, and is the founder of Let’s Code Blacksburg.