Craft 2024 - Daniel Kocsis
Daniel Kocsis
Software Development Manager at Tesco Technology
About Daniel Kocsis

Daniel Kocsis is a seasoned Java developer turned Software Development Manager at Tesco Technology, brings 15 years of industry experience with a passion for solving enterprise-grade challenges. Daniel thrives on collaboration and believes in using the right tools for the right problems. Hi has a pragmatic approach, combined with a passion for lifelong learning and high quality standards.

Dynamic Threads: Unveiling Reactive vs Virtual Threads
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
Sponsor Arena

Explore reactive programming in our workshop, comparing Reactor to Loom's Virtual Threads. Understand the theory behind reactive programming, its scalability in Tesco Tech, and the allure of Virtual Threads. Experience hands-on learning as we build a small reactive app, revealing its benefits and drawbacks. Then, witness how it could be done with Loom while we share our insights. Elevate your codi...