Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions

CraftHub Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (seat: 1037 Budapest, Jablonka utca 31., Hungary; company registration number: 01-09-373899; tax number: 28788153-2-41; hereinafter referred to as “**CraftHub**” or “we”, “us”, “our”) is a limited liability company registered by the Court of Registration of the Metropolitan Court in accordance with the effective Hungarian laws.

These are the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “**GTC**”) and Code of Conduct apply to all conferences, workshops and events managed, planned, organized or provided by CraftHub and/ or its subcontractors, including “Craft”, “Crunch”, “Amuse”, “Impact”, "Reinforce" and “Stretch” (hereinafter referred to as “**Event**”) as well as related services.

Services provided under this GTC include also the operation of Event websites and their related subdomains including those pertaining to registration for attendance to the Event and to be a volunteer at the Event; the Event apps; the workshops; online surveys relating to the Event; operation of the Event official social media channels, either free of charge or for consideration provided by CraftHub or its contracted partners in relation to the Event or other services which might be offered by CraftHub in relation to the Event from time to time. For the purposes of this GTC, reference to the Event will include related services as well, unless separately purchased by the Attendees. By registering to and/or attending an Event all attendees, speakers, sponsors, volunteers or other participants (hereinafter collectively referred to as “**Attendees**” or “you”) agree to this GTC and the Code of Conduct, available also at the particular Event’s website, to be binding to the Attendees and CraftHub’s respective legal relationship.

The Contract

CraftHub undertakes to ensure the possibility of participation of Attendees in the Event and to provide connected services according to the provisions of this GTC and Code of Conduct and any eventual further rules set forth by CraftHub regarding the specific Event, and the Attendees undertake to pay the designated participation fees. With completing the registration and paying the participation fees the Attendees are eligible to attend the Event unless otherwise provided by any rules set forth by CraftHub regarding the specific Event. By completing the registration on behalf of another individual you are warranting that you have made the registered Attendee aware of this GTC and that the registered Attendee has accepted this GTC.

CraftHub is entitled, at its own discretion, to assign subcontractors and agents to organize and implement the Events or any part of it.

Payments of the Fee

The Attendees shall register on the Event’s website, pay the dedicated fees of the tickets (unless the respective Attendee’s entrance is free of charge or complimentary) and accept the GTC and Code of Conduct. All bookings made prior to the Event must be paid in full to guarantee registration. Once payment has been received, an email confirmation and a receipted invoice will be sent. The invoice will be sent within 2 (two) weeks after the registration. Payments should be made in advance and in EUR only, using a debit or credit card, PayPal or via bank transfer. Tickets are only valid for the signed-up ticket holder and cannot be given to someone else during the Event. Attendees may be requested to present registration confirmation/receipt or a valid ID document at the registration counter as proof of their registration and payment.

Any other costs associated with the attendance of the Event shall be borne solely by the Attendees.

Early Bird Rate, Late Bird Rate, Diversity/Equality Rate and other Discounts

In order to be qualified for any “early bird” rates (if we have any), booking and payment must be received before the deadline date listed in the Event marketing material and on the website of the Event. „Late bird” tickets are tickets with a higher price available only after the regular price tickets are no longer on sale. „Diversity/Equality” tickets are available for colleagues of different genders (e.g. a female and a male duo) according to the conditions presented in the Event marketing material and on the website of the Event. Other tickets and coupons with certain discounts may be applied to Attendees in line with the conditions presented in the marketing material and/or on the website of the Event.

Hospitality Costs

On our offline Events hospitality service such as food and drinks is provided by a third party contractor to all Attendees. The costs of hospitality service are included in the price of the tickets and listed as a mediated service in the final invoice.

Transferring Tickets

Attendees may nominate an alternative person to attend up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the Event. Event tickets are non-transferable afterwards, unless the ticket, the website or any marketing material of the respective Event otherwise provides.

Alterations to Programme - Cancellation/Postponement of Event

In case the Event cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of CraftHub or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of CraftHub, CraftHub cannot be held liable by Attendees for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as e.g. transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses, etc.

Under these circumstances, CraftHub reserves the right to either retain the entire registration fee and to credit it for a future Event, or to reimburse the Attendees at its own discretion.

CraftHub reserves the right to modify the programme, content, or any other aspect of the Event at any time without any restriction.

No refunds can be granted in case of cancellation of speakers, lack of space in the Event room or any other incidents or discomfort during the Event.

Photography & Filming, IP rights

The Attendees’ participation in any Event indicate their acknowledgement and royalty-free consent to the right of CraftHub to film, live stream, photograph or otherwise record the Event or parts of it including your image, voice or any other appearance through any media, and to distribute, broadcast, use, edit, disseminate such media (incl. providing copyrights to third parties) without restriction in time, territory and format, without any further approval.

Liability and Safety

Attendees participate at the Event at their own risk. CraftHub excludes any liability toward Attendees except for breaches of contract damaging health and/ or human life, if such damages are caused by CraftHub intentionally or by gross negligence. Accordingly, CraftHub excludes any liability under the Hungarian Civil Code to the widest extent with regard to any other kinds of direct or indirect damages or losses suffered in connection with attending the Event. This exclusion shall apply also in respect of any interruption of services, lost profits, loss of contracts or business opportunity, loss of data, or any other consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether arising in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise.

Attendees expressly acknowledge that in case tickets to an Event are not purchased from CraftHub or in case of false tickets or tickets being otherwise invalid, CraftHub shall have no liability whatsoever towards the Attendee (ticketholder).

During our offline Events, the Attendees are entitled to use the existing visitor cloakrooms free of charge. CraftHub shall assume no liability for the deposited items.

Attendees are required to abide by general norms and in accordance with relevant legal regulations, the GTC and Code of Conduct of the Events and with any other rules of the Event eventually set forth by CraftHub. Attendees are required to refrain from all unlawful actions, statements or behaviour which endanger the life, health, physical or psychological well-being of others or which may violate others’ personal rights or damage any third person’s property. In case of an offline event attendees are prohibited to enter the closed areas accessible from the Event site. Attendee releases CraftHub, its representatives, employees, managers, members, officers, from all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the actions of the Attendee towards any third party, including, without limitation, all claims for invasion of privacy, infringement of right of publicity, defamation and any other personal and/or property right violation.

CraftHub will procure compliance with the rules of conduct and safety of the Event. Attandees expressly undertake, by virtue of their participation in the given Event, to fully cooperate with CraftHub and to follow its instructions, especially in the event of an emergency or if other important circumstances (for example reasons of public health) justify it. CraftHub has the right to refuse access to or remove from the Event any Attendees who violate this GTC and the Code of Conduct and/ or any other binding rules of the specific Event, or in case of any other unethical behaviour and/ or a behaviour that creates a disruption or hinders the Event or the quality of the Event content.

The Attendee represents that the data that it has provided will be provided always correctly, especially when making purchases regarding the Events and on any other occasion when required for the use of related services. CraftHub does not bear liability for damages resulting from incorrect, non-functioning or otherwise not appropriate data, email addresses or delivery addresses being provided, and may demand compensation for damages arising from such circumstance. CraftHub does not examine any of the material, information, documents, data, statements, etc. presented during the Event, therefore, CraftHub shall exclude its liability to the widest extent resulting from any inaccuracy in this regard. Furthermore, any views, opinions, and statements expressed by any Attendee at the Event are theirs alone and do not reflect the views, opinions, or positions of CraftHub or any staff thereof.

The Attendee acknowledges that CraftHub does not bear liability for any damage or abuse arising during or as a consequence of any payment method, or for the errors, failings or security of the payment method used. In the case of bank transfers, CraftHub is not liable for the time taken for the transfer to be processed (with particular regard to banking holidays), or for damage arising from incorrect provision of the payee identifier or the transfer amount.

Pursuant to this GTC and Article 6:22 Paragraph (3) of the Hungarian Civil Code, claims arising from the legal relationship between CraftHub and the Attendees may only be enforced within a six-months limitation period.

Covid clause

The Organizer (CraftHub) and the Participant shall always comply during the Event with the provisions of any compulsory laws in connection with COVID19 epidemic, as well as with the recommendations of the Operative Board responsible for the protection against coronavirus-epidemic. The Organizer shall provide to the Participants the information on the applied epidemiologic measures (e.g. check-in procedure to the Event, checking the vaccination certification, etc.) separately. The Organizer may not be made liable for any applied measures serving the compliance with the compulsory epidemiologic restrictions. Should any fine or sanction be imposed on the Organizer due to the imputable breach of such prescriptions by the Participant, so the Participant shall indemnify the Organizer for such damages, furthermore, the Participant shall make best efforts in favour of the Organizer to be exempted from such sanctions.

Personal Data Protection

By registering to and/or attending an Event you accept and consent to that CraftHub shall control your personal data with the purpose of performing its contractual obligation as well as with the purposes set forth in the below Privacy Policy ,and based on the applicable data protection laws (including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as and when it becomes enforceable on May 25, 2018).

General Provisions

All the advertising, promotional, hospitality and other IP rights in connection with the Event are owned by CraftHub. Any form of economic, commercial or advertising activity on at our Events without the prior written permission of CraftHub is prohibited. Furthermore, according to the present GTC Attendees agree not to copy, sell, trade, transfer, share or otherwise merchandise any media, material or other content of the Event, unless such right is granted by CraftHub in this GTC and Code of Conduct or in any other way in writing. You may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any trademarks or other trade names appearing at the Event or in any materials distributed at or in connection with the Event for any reason without the prior written permission of CraftHub. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this GTC shall be deemed to vest in you any legal or beneficial right in or to any trademarks or other intellectual property rights owned or used under license by CraftHub or any of its Sponsors and partners. Nor does this GTC grant to you any right or license to any other intellectual property rights of CraftHub, all of which shall at all times remain the exclusive property of CraftHub.

CraftHub reserves the right to modify this GTC every now and then in order that accurately reflects legal requirements of Hungarian or EU law or the legitimate business interest of CraftHub. Therefore, your responsibility is to occasionally or prior to an Event check this website and familiarize yourself with changes to the GTC which might occur from time to time.

In case of any conflict between this GTC and regulations set forth in the ticket & promoting materials for an Event, the latter shall have priority over this GTC.

This GTC and any agreement derived from it shall be governed by the laws of Hungary without respect to the conflict of law rules.

The Attendees and CraftHub declare that the ordinary courts of law competent as per the registered office of CraftHub shall have sole jurisdiction with regard to any legal dispute concerning any of their legal relationship, should it be based on this GTC or of any other nature in connection with any Event, without regard to conflict of laws regulations.

General Contact Information

For further information please contact: [email protected]. Corporate address of CraftHub: 1037 Budapest, Jablonka utca 31., Hungary