Craft 2024 - Richard Feldman
Escape Hatch Pitfalls
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

"Just give me an escape hatch!" Sooner or later, almost all reusable code that tries to draw a hard abstraction boundary around implementation details ends up with a request for direct access to things that were designed to be hidden. There's some use case that doesn't quite work ergonomically - or at all - with the current interface, and the easiest solution is to offer an escape hatch that pokes...

Craft 2024 - Kelly Shortridge
Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Cybersecurity
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

Why do teams struggle to build resilient systems, despite wanting and trying to? What does it take to build and deliver systems that are resilient to failure in practice?In this keynote, we will dispel the myths spun by cybersecurity (and software) orthodoxy and why traditional security principles and recommendations are ineffective for achieving real outcomes.In their place, we will explore princ...

Craft 2024 - John Micheal Willis
Anatomy of an LLM
Botchagalupe Technologies
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 16:55 - 17:40 CET
Craft 2024 - Gergely Orosz
What's Old is New Again
The Pragmatic Engineer
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 09:40 - 10:40 CET

In the last 18 months, we have seen major changes across the tech industry. An overview of what all this could mean for the next years for tech companies and software engineering teams - and how all this most certainly changes what "practical" software engineering approaches mean. Also: a look at novel and promising approaches that we've not seen in the past....

Craft 2024 - Jessica Kerr
How to get smarter while doing your job
software development
software architecture
domain-driven design
iterative refinement
product thinking
unlimited potential
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 30, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

Writing software has some commonalities with science: we need to figure out how our world works. But every team works in a world of its own: different environments, languages, integrations, codebase, customers. That means we want to re-form our conception of how our world works, constantly.This session draws from scientific methods, and applies them to software teams: from systematic testing and m...

Craft 2024 - James Shore
A FaST Way to Scale
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

How can multiple teams work together on a single product? The common wisdom is to carefully align teams and responsibilities to create autonomous teams. But, invariably, this approach eventually runs into cross-team bottlenecks, challenges aligning responsibilities to teams, and difficulties creating cross-functional teams.Fluid Scaling Technology, or FaST, is an innovative new approach that solve...

Craft 2024 - Kevlin Henney
Technical Neglect
technical debt
technical neglect
legacy code
failure demand
technical excellence
software architecture
code quality
agile development
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 30, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

Many developers evoke the mischievous spirit and day-to-day burden of technical debt to explain the misfortunes and troubles of their codebase and delivery. While unmanaged technical debt weighs down many codebases and exerts drag on their schedules, it is more often an effect than a cause.In this talk, we will look at what is and is not meant by technical debt — and other metaphors — with a view ...

Craft 2024 - Randy Scott Shoup
Large-Scale Architecture: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Simplicity
Thrive Market
design patterns
domain-driven design
software architecture
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

Building distributed systems that work is hard. And scaling those systems by multiple orders of magnitude is even harder. Using examples from internet-scale consumer properties like Google, Amazon, and eBay, this talk deep-dives into the counterintuitive idea that the key to success in large-scale architecture is simplicity.We first discuss simple components like modular services, orthogonal domai...

Craft 2024 - David Khourshid
Making state management intelligent
artificial intelligence
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 30, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

Managing state is complicated. Humans are even more complicated. As developers, it's our job to deliver seamless and intuitive user experiences, but the sheer complexity of human behavior and the real world can make this a daunting task. In this talk, we'll explore a radical new approach to app development where language models (LLMs) and reinforcement learning (RL) can be used to handle app logic...

Craft 2024 - Arlo Belshee
Prevent Rewrites - a Map from Legacy Ugliness to Modern DevSecOps
Deep Roots
legacy code
vital skills
Level: General
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

Have you noticed that every product seems to need a rewrite to change technology, then one to implement the new security architecture, then one to clear accumulated technical debt, and then…when will it end? Even teams that use TDD and DevOps fall in the same trap because the business changes. Are we doomed to rewrite?Rewrites happen because we can see a future we would like, but we can't see an i...

Craft 2024 - Sander Hoogendoorn
The Zen of Programming. A personal journey toward writing beautiful code
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

Ever since he wrote his first lines of code in 1982, Sander Hoogendoorn has been fascinated by the beauty of some code and the pure evil of other code. In these 40 years, Sander has worked with hundreds of developers. He has written code in many different paradigms, languages, ecosystems, and frameworks, always searching for better, more elegant ways to solve problems.Is there really no silver bul...

Craft 2024 - J. B. Rainsberger
Beware the Integrated Tests Scam
design patterns
integration tests
modular monolith
software architecture
software development
technical debt
technical debt management
technical excellence
technical neglect
unit tests
failure demand
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 30, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

We need to write tests that run different scopes of the system in order to feel confident that our code behaves the way we want it to. Unfortunately, we'll never write enough tests to feel perfectly confident, so we need a strategy for which tests to focus on and which tests not to write.And this is where the arguments start. They're not always constructive and they're rarely fun.Best Practices th...

Craft 2024 - Jason Yip
Occupy the Space: A grassroots guide to engineering (and product) strategy when none exists
Reinvention Cycle LLC
product thinking
Level: Intermediate+
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

The typical problem in product engineering is not bad strategy, so much as “no strategy”. This leads to confusion, lack of motivation, and incoherent action. The next time you look for a strategy and find an empty space, instead of waiting for it to be filled, I will show you how to fill it in yourself. If you’re wrong, it forces a correction. If you’re right, it helps create focus. I’ll share how...

Craft 2024 - James Lewis
How Flow Works
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

Have you ever thought about why what we see as the sensible defaults for software engineering in 2024 work? We adopt the key metrics from Accelerate, team structures from Team Topologies and Microservices in an effort to improve the flow of value to our users (or to a customer saying Thank You, paraphrasing Daniel Terhorst-North).But what is Value? What is Flow? James will use ideas from Informati...

Craft 2024 - Richard Wiseman
The Luck Factor
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 17:50 - 18:50 CET

Why do some people lead happy successful lives whilst others face repeated failure? Why are some people consistently in the right place at the right time, while others are always unlucky? Professor Richard Wiseman has worked with some of the world’s luckiest and unluckiest people to answer these fascinating questions. In this talk he reveals how people and organisations create their good fortune b...

Craft 2024 - Einar Høst
Agile and Architecture: a meeting of the undead
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 30, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

Twenty years ago, Architecture was murdered in its sleep by Agile, as part of the assassination plot against the arch-enemy Waterfall. Fast forward to today, and Agile isn't looking too healthy either: reduced to hollow-eyed cargo culting and pointless rituals, wading through the debris of methodology pop culture, or bloated to a monstrous parody of itself in order to scale. But death aside, they ...

Craft 2024 - Büşra Coşkuner
Will Skynet sort you out? An outsider's view on how Software Engineers can stay relevant in the era of (Gen)AI.
product thinking
race against the machine
pun intended
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 30, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

Is GenAI going to cause doomsday? We don't know. If yes, we'll have bigger problems than talking about our jobs. But for now, we are all trying to figure out how we can stay relevant.Let me invite you to a product manager's perspective on the topic on how product development is changing, and what options software engineers (and actually ANYONE in tech) have to stay employable....

Craft 2024 - Aaron Rinehart
The Next Evolution of Chaos Engineering Tooling: Introducing Latency Squeeze Injection (LSI)
technical excellence
software architecture
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

Discover a new approach to chaos experimentation using Latency Squeeze Injection (LSI) with PRECog. We'll explain how this tool, developed for one of the world's largest financial institutions, helps continuously verify Service Level Objectives (SLOs), proactively identify service degradation points, and enhance system resilience. Learn how LSI experimentation empowers engineers to gain a precise ...

Craft 2024 - Joseph Pelrine
Story Points considered Harmful - a psychologist's thoughts on estimation
software development
pun intended
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

Estimating is difficult. So difficult, in fact, that many consider it a waste of time. Which it wouldn’t be if estimates were done efficiently and were accurate. Instead, many teams either manoeuvre around estimating by using bogus units such as story points, or avoid it completely by using #NoEstimates or Kanban.Your team can improve the quality of their estimates by improving their estimation pr...

Craft 2024 - Marianne Bellotti
Improving Software Architecture Through Murder
code quality
software architecture
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

So-called “Murder Boards” have a long history in politics and military operations, but they actually started at NASA as part of the engineering process. This talk revisits the format and its practical applications in software engineering. What is the psychology around them? How do we know when “murder” is appropriate? How do murder boards differ from more traditional structures like code review, p...

Craft 2024 - Marian Hartman
Real Learning for your Team without Overdesign
Dig Deep Roots
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

Existing methods to measure skills are painful, binary, and usually wrong. What if you could measure in a way that told you exactly what action to take, show you the impact of even two days of improvement, and not waste your time? While so many agile maturity models assess whether you do particular practices in particular ways, they don't usually assess your ability to change, have impact, or adap...

Craft 2024 - Ray Myers
Code Mending in the AI age
legacy code
artificial intelligence
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

The future of software is the future of software maintenance.AI Language models can now write small code snippets, but can they help us with our mountains of legacy code? As the world of software development is rethought, we as Menders are in a unique position to make an impact because we have studied what truly holds the system back....

Craft 2024 - David Leitner
Beyond Strangler Fig: Effective Patterns for Architectural Modernization
software architecture
design patterns
domain-driven design
legacy code
technical debt
technical excellence
Level: Intermediate+
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

This talk delves into real-world stories of transitioning from legacy systems to modern architectures. You'll learn from firsthand experiences by spotlighting technical challenges, inevitable pitfalls, and lessons learned. But we will also go beyond the code and will explore the sociotechnical aspect of legacy migration, emphasizing the crucial role of organizational change and highlighting the si...

Craft 2024 - Tricia Broderick
Tips for Managing Up
Ignite Insight + Innovation
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

I know that you are excitedly trying to make things happen. Yet, a seemingly common source is creating impediment after impediment in your way. Eventually leading to this frequent question, “How do I manage up?”. You are not alone. Yet, you might also be heading down the wrong path that only escalates the challenges. Join this session to discover and explore several practical tips for improving ...

Craft 2024 - Henrik Kniberg
Effective AI pair programming
Company: &
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Green Stage
May 30, 16:00 - 17:40 CET

How can you work effectively with AI as your colleague?For the past year I've worked almost full-time with AI-powered software development. Both as a productivity tool, to get work done faster and better, and also as a way of building new types of products and features that were previously impossible. In fact, GenAI has completely changed the way I work and the way I look at software development. ...

Craft 2024 - Ashi Krishnan
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 30, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

Why does ChatGPT like being offered money and told to breathe? We'll take a visually rich trip through the Transformer architecture and see how these story search engines can be hypnotized into doing almost anything except having an original thought....

Craft 2024 - Jon Yablonski
Using Psychology to Build Better Products and Services
Level: Beginner+
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

An understanding of psychology—specifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfaces—is perhaps the single most valuable non-design skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design rather than working within the “blueprint” of how humans perceive and process the world around them. This talk dives into how des...

Craft 2024 - Stewart Gleadow
Fighting software entropy
REA Group (
code quality
architecture decision records
legacy code
software architecture
technical debt
technical debt management
technical excellence
Level: General
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 30, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

Building software is the easy part. Evolving and maintaining it is the hard part.Preferred approaches change, team members leave, tech debt accumulates, dependencies date, ownership changes, and everyone has a lot of other work on their plate. Software decay is a very real and endemic problem for us all. So how can you break from the cycle of build, atrophy, replatform, repeat?Join us to hear abou...

Craft 2024 - Dave Thomas
How to Innovate in a Legacy
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

All software at some point in time becomes a legacy! We like the term Heritage Application because it attributes value to the applications which are in most cases critical to the daily operations of the business.The common high-risk, expensive and time-consuming solution is to rewrite the application using the currently in-vogue methodology, language, tools, and platform technology. Unfortunately...

Craft 2024 - Birgitta Boeckeler
AI for Software Development: A Reality Check
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

AI assistance beyond code: What do we need to make it work?AI assistance for coding is becoming more and more popular, while assistance for software delivery tasks in areas like analysis or architecture is still much less explored in practice. This talk will walk through what we need to properly leverage AI for knowledge tasks like user story writing, threat modelling, or decision record writing. ...

Craft 2024 - Dr. Angela Trego, PE, PMP
SQUASHING THE IMPOSTOR SYNDROME: Culture, confidence and your unlimited potential
Angela Trego
imposter syndrome
self confidence
unlimited potential
vital skills
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 30, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

Many professionals suffer from impostor syndrome - a crippling anxiety that they are not “good enough” or “qualified enough” to do the job they currently have. This impacts individual, team, and organizational performance as fear of failure replaces confidence. This leads to increasingly “safe” choices that hinder innovation and output. Through her own story as the sole female on a team of engine...

Craft 2024 - Julien Topçu
Craft 2024 - Josian Chevalier
Model Mitosis: Stop making the wrong choice between microservices and monolith
domain-driven design
modular monolith
domain model
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

Just as models should be iterative, strategic design should change when the context and our understanding of the problem evolve. As a model grows to solve more problems, it becomes less supple in its ability to evolve. Tensions arise within the model that struggles to stay coherent.Eventually it reaches a critical mass and becomes a big ball of mud.How do we know when it’s time to let new models e...

Craft 2024 - Kenneth Harris
The Universe, Unfolded: NASA James Webb Space Telescope
The Aerospace Corporation
technical excellence
unlimited potential
imposter syndrome
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

Providing the earliest images of our universe, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has pushed the frontier of space technology and deep-space imaging to a completely new level! Through a partnership with ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), its first full-color images and spectroscopic data were released on July 12, 2022. These images and data have fundamentally chang...

Craft 2024 - Woody Rousseau
Unifying API and event driven architectures
software architecture
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET
Purple Stage
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

Closed architectures are dead. But there’s a war going on : should architectures be API first to facilitate fail-fast one-to-one interactions or Event first to facilitate fan out interactions where eventual consistency is acceptable?In this talk, I will describe the concept of AFEA (API first, Event always architectures) which allow:Designing services by first thinking in terms of API and events t...

Craft 2024 - Ornela Vasiliauskaitė
Team evolution with DDD and Dynamic Reteaming
Level: Advanced
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

Are you and your organization in pursuit of exponential growth? Trying to achieve a compound increase in the impact and value you create? Are you struggling with increasing complexity all across? Slowed by growth pains and legacy systems? I can relate.Over the past years, together with the talented team at Vinted, we have been turning these challenges into opportunities for innovation and success....

Craft 2024 - Llewellyn Falco
TDD with ChatGPT
Level: General
In schedule:
Green Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 17:40 CET

"In my talk, 'TDD with ChatGPT,' I do a live coding demo where I write the tests and ChatGPT writes the code. We’ll see how to break problems into bite-sized pieces, prompt with tests, and iterate based on real feedback. This session aims to show a practical, middle-ground approach to working with AI, avoiding the extremes of 'AI is useless' or 'AI is magical'."...

Craft 2024 - Irina Stanescu
Beyond Coding: IC Leadership Is Here To Stay
vital skills
self confidence
technical excellence
unlimited potential
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

The idea that leadership is exclusive to management is a myth that we need to debunk once and for all.This session is about showing how individual contributors (ICs) at any level can lead through actions and influence, not titles. We'll break down what real leadership looks like, proving it's about problem-solving and the ability to guide others, no matter your job description.Join us to discover ...

Craft 2024 - Aram Hakobyan
Craft 2024 - Stanislav Ogarkov
The Journey of Migrating 2500 Apps to Multi-Cluster Kubernetes and Zero Trust Istio
Zooplus SE&
zooplus SE
software architecture
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 30, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

Embracing cloud-native technologies and shifting towards a modern infrastructure model is a transformative journey filled with strategic decisions and technical challenges. In this presentation, we delve into the intricacies of migrating 2500 applications to a multi-cluster Kubernetes environment integrated with Zero Trust Istio. Adopting new technologies to meet business demands poses complex cha...

Craft 2024 - Tudor Girba
Moldable Development: programming through custom tools
agile development
software development
vital skills
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

At first, programming was about code.At some point, tests became code. This introduced a new feedback loop and programming changed.Then, infrastructure became code. This too introduced a new feedback loop and programming changed again.Now, tools are becoming code. This is also introducing a new feedback loop and programming is changing yet again.Tools as code are tools that can be adapted and exte...

Craft 2024 - Michael Carducci
Digital Knowledge Management for Individuals and Teams
Carducci Inc
architecture decision records
self confidence
technical excellence
unlimited potential
vital skills
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

“Humans became behaviourally modern the moment they committed to storing abstract information outside their brains.” —Lyn WadleyWe often bridge the gaps that exist between teams and stakeholders involved in the success or failure of a system or project. Because of this, information is hitting us from every direction. How we capture, organize, distill, and express this information is critical to ou...

Craft 2024 - Éva Rambala
Cooperation 3.0
Center for Nonviolent Communication
Level: General
In schedule:
Green Stage
May 30, 14:00 - 15:40 CET

What is real cooperation. How to cooperate in a way, you care for yourself and others as well.When to give feedback? How to do it?How to receive feedback?All what I plan to share with you, is based on my experience practicing Nonviolent Communication (NVC)...

Craft 2024 - Uwe Friedrichsen
From here to resilience - a travel guide
codecentric AG
software development
software architecture
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

Resilience is an important issue these days. Many companies claim to have a resilient IT, very few have one.What does it mean to be resilient? How do we get there? How can we figure out where we currently are? How can we improve?We will look at several gradations of becoming resilient. We will examine their properties and tradeoffs and how to get there. We will discuss what we can achieve at an IT...

Craft 2024 - Markus Harrer
Software Analytics with Data Science on Software Data
code quality
empirical development
legacy code
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

Data Science has demonstrated its value in extracting insights from business data, raising the question: Why not apply these principles to our software systems’ data? In this talk, I’ll introduce you to the world of Software Analytics. We’ll explore how to extract valuable insights from software data by using tools and techniques from data science to get rid of big, systemic problems in our softwa...

Craft 2024 - Renaldi Gondosubroto
Redefining Human-AI Collaboration: Implementing “Sentient Support” Using ChatGPT for DevOps Teams
artificial intelligence
software development
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

In the evolving narrative of DevOps, the next chapter is being written not just by human hands but also by the nuances of artificial intelligence. Central to this transformation is the exploration of the potential AI models, particularly ChatGPT, might hold when tailored to the specific needs of DevOps environments. This session offers an insightful gaze into a groundbreaking open-source project: ...

Craft 2024 - Marco Heimeshoff
Bounded Contexts: Team Topologies and Architecture boundaries aligned
Heimeshoff IT / KanDDDinsky / VirtualDDD
domain model
domain-driven design
dependency management
product thinking
software architecture
technical debt
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

In most systems today there is an inherent misalignment between software architecture, organizational structure, and the domain. This misalignment results in friction and makes efficient and coherent development unnecessarily hard.I will show you a holistic approach to modeling that uses system thinking and Domain-Driven Design to explore and map the various forces that influence your system archi...

Craft 2024 - Laura Tacho
Why Your Productivity Metrics Fail
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

“Picking metrics is the hardest part.” Wouldn’t it be great if that were true? The hardest part is everything around the metrics, and it’s those decisions that will determine whether your organisation is able to use metrics effectively – or if they’re actually going to cause your engineering culture to take a nosedive. In this talk, we’ll compare and contrast successful initiatives to improve deve...

Craft 2024 - Jamie Allen
How To Measure MTTx Values in SRE
EPAM Systems
Level: Beginner+
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

Measuring the Return on Investment of SRE efforts seems like a straightforward exercise, and many tools for incident management support some view of this data. However, a lot of important data can be masked in those views. In this talk, I will discuss how to measure Mean Time To Fail, Mean Time To Detect, and Mean Time To Repair/Restore to have clarity about whether your team is improving over tim...

Craft 2024 - Ian Cooper
TDD Revisited
Just Eat Takeaway
code quality
integration tests
software development
unit tests
Level: General
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 30, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

In this talk we will look at the key Fallacies of Test-Driven Development, such as 'Developers write Unit Tests', or 'Test After is as effective as Test First' and explore a set of Principles that let us write good unit tests instead. Attendees should be able to take away a clear set of guidelines as to how they should be approaching TDD to be successful. The session is intended to be pragmatic ad...

Craft 2024 - Ankur Patel
Generative AI and Its Impact in the Workplace
artificial intelligence
software development
race against the machine
Level: General

Generative AI and Its Impact in the WorkplaceAbstractThe keynote speech will discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using generative AI in the workplace. It will cover topics such as increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and reduced costs, as well as ethical concerns, security risks, and the potential loss of jobs. The speech will also provide best practices for implementing generativ...

Craft 2024 - Tamás Szabó
Copilot Workspace - A reimagined developer inner loop with AI assistance at every step
artificial intelligence
software architecture
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

Copilot Workspace is a reimagined developer inner loop. The focal points of the experience are selecting a task, expressing intent, and then collaborating with AI towards a solution. We believe this can dramatically reduce complexity, improve productivity, and delight developers, without taking away the aspects of software development that they value most, such as decision making, creativity, and ...

Craft 2024 - Márton Braun
Build a Multiplatform Future with Kotlin
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

Have you ever fixed the same bug twice, in two different codebases? Do you go back-and-forth between platform teams to ensure their implementations behave the same way? Are you wasting time duplicating functionality? These are typical issues that can be solved by using shared code across platforms.Building with Kotlin Multiplatform not only allows you to share code easily, but it also plays nicely...

Craft 2024 - Jules May
Why programming is fiendishly difficult (even after all these years) and what we can do about it.
22 Consulting
code quality
technical excellence
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

In the 1950s and 1960s, when we first started writing software at industrial scale (and “computer” was a job, not a machine), programming was really hard! It was slow, error-prone, and demanded complex rituals and incantations to make anything work. Back then, software was a byword for missed deadlines, blown budgets, and machines going haywire. In short, software was a mess.Seventy years on, w...

Craft 2024 - Daniel Terhorst-North
The best programmer I know
Dan North & Associates Ltd
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

I believe great programmers are not born, they are made. Or rather, they make themselves, carefully and deliberately over time. I am not talking about the folks who rote-learn the l33t answers and throw their egos around; I mean the ones who build great products using simple, understandable code, while lifting up those around them.I have worked with some great programmers over the years, and met s...

Craft 2024 - Daniel Whitenack
AI engineering with open access LLMs that lie, curse, and steal
Prediction Guard
artificial intelligence
design patterns
software architecture
Level: General
In schedule:
Green Stage
May 30, 10:50 - 12:40 CET

If you are one of the 46% of AI Engineers preferring open source LLMs going in 2024, you might have discovered that these open models can be a bit like unruly children. There are moments of joy, when they are behaving appropriately, and then there are moments of horror, when they are lying (hallucinating), stealing (enabling privacy and security breaches), and/or generally behaving in ways that ha...

Craft 2024 - Emily Bache
Craft 2024 - Geoffrey Bache
Get in control of your Microservices testing
Bache Consulting&
Toyota Material Handling
integration tests
Level: General
In schedule:
Green Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 12:10 CET

Do you have a microservices system with inadequate automated tests that is essential to your business? In order to get this situation under control, often there’s an initiative to improve the unit tests. This is a positive move, however in a microservices system a lot of the behaviour happens between the units and services. End-to-end automated tests can be more effective at finding bugs, but are ...

Craft 2024 - Eduardo da Silva
Towards Sustainable Learning, Designing and Decision-making
agile development
domain-driven design
software architecture
Level: General
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 30, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

Modern organizations operate in fast-moving environments with increasing demands, technological innovations, and market competition. Furthermore, they operate on more unpredictable and complex problems, so they can't use the old thinking models of experts planning and architecting up-front solutions. Instead, they must develop suitable organizational structures and architectures that can evolve su...

Craft 2024 - Elad Ben-Israel
One (Open Source) Cloud Language to Rule Them All
Wing Cloud Inc.
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 31, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

DevOps is a cultural phenomenon that has broken down silos, increased velocity and improved productivity immeasurably. While new tools have emerged to embrace the “everything as code” philosophy, programming languages themselves still are siloed in their purpose. What if… a single DevOps centric language could create resources, secure communications, ensure least privilege permissions and execute ...

Craft 2024 - Jon Moore
Designing Fault-Tolerant Software with Control System Transparency
software architecture
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

Teams at NASA and JPL that create mission-critical software for spacecraft take a principled approach to fault tolerance. Let's see how those same principles, centered around a concept of transparency, can help us achieve reliability in pragmatic, modern software delivery settings.As our society continues to depend more and more heavily on software, the need for that software to be reliable also i...

Craft 2024 - Gregor Hohpe
Platforms: Build abstractions, not illusions
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

Let’s be honest, the tech we have today is amazing but it can also be complex. So, it’s only natural that the platforms we build want to hide that complexity to improve productivity, avoid mistakes, and reduce cognitive load. So, the more complexity we can hide, the better our platform? Actually no - we need to be careful that we create useful abstractions, not dangerous illusions. This talk refle...

Craft 2024 - Matt Welsh
Large Language Models and the End of Programming
artificial intelligence
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 09:10 - 10:10 CET

The field of Computer Science is headed for a major upheaval with the rise of large AI models, such as ChatGPT, that are capable of performing general-purpose reasoning and problem solving. We are headed for a future in which it will no longer be necessary to write computer programs. Rather, I believe that most software will eventually be replaced by AI models that, given an appropriate descriptio...

Craft 2024 - Barry O'Reilly
An Introduction to Residuality Theory
Black Tulip Technology
software architecture
technical excellence
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 30, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

Residuality theory is a revolutionary new theory of software design that aims to make it easier to design software systems for complex business environments. Residuality theory models software systems as interconnected residues - an alternative to component and process modeling that uses applied complexity science to make managing uncertainty a fundamental part of the design process. ...

Entropy in Legacy Software: Cynefin Framework and Estuarine Map Solutions
agile development
dependency management
domain-driven design
legacy code
software architecture
Level: Advanced

Entropy in software design refers to the accumulation of disorder and randomness over time, which poses challenges for maintenance and evolution. This session delves into the intricacies of entropy in software design and explores strategies rooted in complexity theory to manage it effectively. We will examine how leveraging frameworks such as the Cynefin framework and the Estuarine Map, pioneered ...

Craft 2024 - Jess Brock
Tales of Dojo Coaching
agile development
empirical development
code quality
software development
self confidence
technical excellence
dependency management
vital skills
unlimited potential
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

Join Jess Brock, author of The Dojo Coach's Pocket Guide, as she shares her lessons and insights that can only be gained from getting down in the weeds with dozens of software teams and hundreds of learners from across the world.Why does she believe a team's truths reveal themselves when an engagement is accelerated?What growth is realistic in a dojo and what type of growth is not?How does she bui...

Craft 2024 - Ádám Pelle
Multiprocessing evolution & virtual threads in Java
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 17:10 - 17:55 CET

Virtual threads in the JDK 21 just became generally available, but how did we get here and why are they significant improvements of Java in terms of multiprocessing? In this journey we'll revisit the basics of multiprocessing and what techniques and frameworks are available out there, who knows maybe you get as much excited as I am about this topic :)...

Craft 2024 - Robert I. Horvath
Who drives your car?
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

This is just one of the questions that point in the same direction. Who builds your car? Who sells your car? Who does the check-up of your car? Who shares your car? And WHY?Software has become an integral part of the automotive industry, revolutionizing the way we experience our vehicles. It enhances safety, convenience and entertainment, making our journeys more enjoyable. With continuous softwar...

Craft 2024 - Oresztesz Margaritisz
How to make technical decisions?
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

Development teams face the problem of making a ton of technology choices at every phase of a project. The amount of new libraries, frameworks, and tools available today is outstanding. Most of us tend to use convenient technologies from our last assignment, typically where we have the most experience. But is it the best choice? Aren’t we withholding ourselves from the opportunity to innovate?How c...

Craft 2024 - Stefano Lottini
Vector Databases (for GenAI & beyond) - why you need one, what you should know
DataStax Inc.
artificial intelligence
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Green Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 15:30 CET

Vector databases have quickly become a fundamental component in the GenAI technology stack. They are very powerful tools and unlock many possibilities, but using them in the right way is often a challenge and far from straightforward. This talk will take you on a guided tour to vector databases, laying the conceptual and algorithmic foundations and then giving practical insights on how to harness ...

Craft 2024 - Gábor Imre Kovács
Structures of Hope: When Grand Designs Meet Grim Realities
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

Explore the complex relationship between architectural design and community impact, delve into the story of eclectic architecture, its successes and failures, and draw parallels to the challenges faced in software development and urban planning....

Craft 2024 - Kornél Kovács
The IT Path to Universal Measurement
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

Discover how integrating heavy engineering principles into IT solutions can lead to more nuanced problem-solving approaches. Learn to apply broad engineering concepts to coding, fostering an engineer’s mindset in software development....

Craft 2024 - Frederic Kuzel
Craft 2024 - Thulasi Bomma
The Rise of AI
Tesco Technology&
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 13:30 - 14:15 CET

From walk-in walk-out stores with automated price optimisations to vehicle route pathfinding, how AI and ML are changing the retail experience for the betterment of customers, employees, suppliers, and the planet....

Unleashing the Power of AI: An outlook into the future
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 14:25 - 15:10 CET

Join our local leaders for an insightful roundtable discussion, where experts will share their experiences and insights on the application of Generative AI at Accenture. Discover how Generative AI is revolutionizing our approach to application development, data engineering and driving our innovation. From supporting our daily activities in generating code until helping our colleagues in data analy...

Craft 2024 - Balázs Sipos
Taming Turbulence with Code: Developing AI-powered Solutions for Airline Disruptions
Lufthansa Systems Hungária
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

The smooth flow of global air travel relies on countless people behind the scenes. This talk delves into the software development journey behind an AI agent designed to empower operation controllers whose job is to efficiently execute the daily flight plan and react to irregularities. We'll explore innovative techniques like event sourcing, event-driven architecture and reinforcement learning. Joi...

Craft 2024 - Ferenc Hegedüs
Software development challenges in automotive projects
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 15:20 - 16:05 CET

The vast majority of automotive projects is safety-critical by nature. Malfunctioning vehicle systems can lead to accidents that threaten human lives, correctly operating active safety and driver assistance systems however contribute substantially to road safety. Accordingly, these projects have to comply with various strict development standards and processes such as ISO26262 or ASPICE which are ...

Craft 2024 - James Shore
Testing Without Mocks
unit tests
Level: Intermediate+
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

Automated tests are important. Without them, programmers waste a huge amount of time manually checking and fixing their code. Unfortunately, many automated test suites also waste a huge amount of time. They’re slow, fail randomly, and make refactoring difficult.There’s another way. Nullables, also known as “testing without mocks,” are a technique for creating tests that are as powerful as end-to-e...

Craft 2024 - Magnar Sveen
11 insights after 11 years with the functional database Datomic
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

Twelve years ago the radically re-thought functional database Datomic released. I have used this wonderful database for eleven of those years, and here are the neatest, coolest, and most interesting things I've learned about it since....

Craft 2024 - Conor Hoekstra
The Power of Function Composition
Level: Beginner
In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

This talk will be a masterclass about everything you wanted to know (and potentially what you didn't even know you wanted to know) when it comes to function composition and combinators. We will cover the different "composition strategies" used in languages like Haskell, APL, J, KAP, Jelly, Uiua, Clojure and more. Furthermore, we will in more detail cover the most common combinators and the pattern...

Craft 2024 - Wittmann Ádám
Healthy Teams: the practice behind the buzzword
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 16:15 - 17:00 CET

Healthy teams, high performance, buzzwords we've all heard, yet how do we truly unlock their potential? Despite knowing the theory, fostering truly effective teams remains a challenge. As the European automotive industry faces unprecedented competition, it's time for a shift in our approach. Are we equipped with the practical strategies and boldness needed to thrive in this changing landscape?Join...

Craft 2024 - Ivan Brezak Brkan
Creating An Engineering Handbook In 3 Days (or Less)
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

When our 800-strong engineering department had to scale our engineering hiring globally, we couldn’t just publish a few blog posts and be done. And we were on a deadline - We went from the idea of “we need to write a book on how we do things” to crafting a global Engineering Handbook in a 3-day workshop, from concept to almost published draft. It took a team of 20 engineers, employer branding and ...

Craft 2024 - Gergely Seres
Craft 2024 - Benedek Kovács
Network programmability and telecommunication APIs
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

Network programmability and network APIs are essential for exposing network services to vertical applications. These capabilities appeared with 5G and will be big in 6G. The main goal is to make mobile cellular networks as easy to configure as possible....

Craft 2024 - Eli Holderness
Language Games
Level: General
In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

Communication: it's the oldest problem we have. It's already hard enough to talk to people, but as software engineers we have to talk to computers as well - often at the same time. Getting communication wrong leads to problems anywhere between 'my code is buggy' to 'this project is 6 months overdue and doesn't meet any of the requirements'. There are thousands of books, webinars and conference tal...

Craft 2024 - Daniel Terhorst-North
How to bake a change
Dan North & Associates Ltd
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET
Craft 2024 - Kevlin Henney
Program with GUTs
software development
technical excellence
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

One of the greatest shifts in modern programming practices has been how programmers across many different domains, languages and environments have embraced unit testing. Good unit testing, however, is more than waving a unit-testing framework at your source code. Tests help to make long-term product development cost effective rather than a cost centre, they underpin the effective flow of CI/CD and...