Talk details

In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET
Why programming is fiendishly difficult (even after all these years) and what we can do about it.
Software Delivery Craft Matters
code quality
technical excellence
Level: General

In the 1950s and 1960s, when we first started writing software at industrial scale (and “computer” was a job, not a machine), programming was really hard! It was slow, error-prone, and demanded complex rituals and incantations to make anything work. Back then, software was a byword for missed deadlines, blown budgets, and machines going haywire. In short, software was a mess.

Seventy years on, we now have new programming tools (mostly: languages), new programming paradigms (mostly: objects), and new programming methodologies (mostly: agile). And yet, programming is still really hard, our software systems are still a mess - albeit a rather bigger mess than in the past - and we’ve given up even trying to budget large developments.

Why is programming so difficult? In contrast to nearly every other engineering discipline (which routinely use self-stability, failsafety, and feedback to build robust and resilient systems) software amplifies disturbances, and so builds systems which are inherently brittle. It doesn’t matter how carefully we error-check results or how assiduously we null-check our pointers, sooner or later a disturbance will start a crack in the code, which will spread to the whole system.

In this talk, Jules will explain the fundamental difference between software and other kinds of engineering, will explore some of the things we do to strengthen our code which (in fact) make matters worse, and will introduce a paradigm for creating code which is robust and reliable even in the presence of errors.

Craft 2024 - Jules May
Jules May
Principal at 22 Consulting

Jules is a freelance consultant specialising in safety-critical systems, mathematical software, and compilers and languages. He has been writing, teaching and speaking for 25 years, and conducts frequent lectures and workshops. He is the author of Extreme Reliability: Programming Like Your Life Depends On It, and is the originator of Problem Space Analysis.He lives in North-East Scotland....