Talk details

In schedule:
Purple Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 11:15 CET
Prevent Rewrites - a Map from Legacy Ugliness to Modern DevSecOps
Software Delivery Craft Matters
legacy code
vital skills
Level: General

Have you noticed that every product seems to need a rewrite to change technology, then one to implement the new security architecture, then one to clear accumulated technical debt, and then…when will it end? Even teams that use TDD and DevOps fall in the same trap because the business changes. Are we doomed to rewrite?

Rewrites happen because we can see a future we would like, but we can't see an incremental path to get there from our present reality. In this talk, Arlo will show a new way of working that sees those incremental paths and prevents rewrite moments. And then he'll show you a map that you can use to navigate from your current ways of working to this new one. You will:

  • Get the benefit of today's rewrite without the cost or risk of rewriting

  • Escape the endless discussions about technical practices and competing architectures

  • Identify the most useful skills to learn next, for your career and your current team

  • Segment a legacy code overhaul or DevOps adoption into a sequence of small, adoptable behavior changes

  • Identify the specific support that your team needs right now

  • Avoid the overwhelm that comes from trying to change everything at once

  • Make changes that stick even after management moves on

Craft 2024 - Arlo Belshee
Arlo Belshee
Distinguished Engineer at Deep Roots

Arlo Belshee, 20-year legacy code and DevOps veteran, has a passion for zero bugs. A firm believer in mending code, Arlo's current work is his company, Dig Deep Roots | Refactoring for Depth, where he teaches technical practices that unwind legacy code safely a codebase at a time....