Talk details

In schedule:
Platform 2
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET
Testing Without Mocks
Software Delivery Craft Matters
unit tests
Level: Intermediate+

Automated tests are important. Without them, programmers waste a huge amount of time manually checking and fixing their code. Unfortunately, many automated test suites also waste a huge amount of time. They’re slow, fail randomly, and make refactoring difficult.

There’s another way. Nullables, also known as “testing without mocks,” are a technique for creating tests that are as powerful as end-to-end tests, but as fast and reliable as unit tests. Better yet, they’re 100% compatible with your existing code.

In this talk, you’ll learn how Nullables work, see examples of programming with Nullables, and get access to free resources and training so you can implement them in your own code.

Craft 2024 - James Shore
James Shore
Vice President of Engineering at OpenSesame

James Shore leads organizations in scaling software development, most recently for OpenSesame, where he is Vice President of Engineering. He is the author of the Agile how-to guide, The Art of Agile Development, co-creator of the Agile Fluency® Model, and a recipient of the Agile Alliance’s Gordon Pask Award for Contributions to Agile Practice. His writing and screencasts may be found online at ja...