Talk details

In schedule:
Green Stage
May 31, 10:30 - 12:10 CET
Get in control of your Microservices testing
Software Delivery Craft Matters
integration tests
Level: General

Do you have a microservices system with inadequate automated tests that is essential to your business? In order to get this situation under control, often there’s an initiative to improve the unit tests. This is a positive move, however in a microservices system a lot of the behaviour happens between the units and services. End-to-end automated tests can be more effective at finding bugs, but are usually too slow to support developers as they work.

These tests often become prohibitively expensive to maintain too. We’d like to show you some techniques that we’ve used to make progress in this situation, based on our experiences working with and writing automated tests for mission-critical microservices systems in large organisations.

This talk includes a practical introduction to Contract Testing and Approval testing with plenty of demonstrations. We’ll use open source tools including CaptureMock and TextTest.

Craft 2024 - Emily Bache
Emily Bache
Technical Coach at Bache Consulting

Emily Bache is an independent consultant, YouTuber and Technical Coach. She works with developers, training and coaching effective agile practices like Refactoring and Test-Driven Development. Emily has worked with software development for 25 years, written two books and teaches courses on platforms including Pluralsight and O'Reilly. A frequent conference speaker, Emily has been invited to keynot...

Craft 2024 - Geoffrey Bache
Geoffrey Bache
Test Architect. at Toyota Material Handling

Geoffrey Bache works for Toyota Material Handling as a Test Architect. He is the creator and lead maintainer of the open source tool TextTest since 2002. Geoffrey is an innovator in the space of automated testing and has spent much of his career architecting and implementing tests at the same time as developing world-class software systems for organizations including Boeing, Evry and now Toyota....