Craft 2024 - Wittmann Ádám
Wittmann Ádám
Driver Experience Group Leader at BOSCH
About Wittmann Ádám

Adam is in the Automotive SW industry for more, than 7 years now. His focus is on ensuring project delivery and meeting project goals, while building and keeping sustainably working teams. Working for 5+ years in Driver Assistance field he has background in SW development, team coaching and technical leadership, delivering road safety features to severalmanufacturers. Currently he is leading a group of 15 people focusing on behaviour prediction of traffic participants.

Healthy Teams: the practice behind the buzzword
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 30, 16:15 - 17:00 CET

Healthy teams, high performance, buzzwords we've all heard, yet how do we truly unlock their potential? Despite knowing the theory, fostering truly effective teams remains a challenge. As the European automotive industry faces unprecedented competition, it's time for a shift in our approach. Are we equipped with the practical strategies and boldness needed to thrive in this changing landscape?Join...