Craft 2024 - Tudor Girba
Tudor Girba
CEO at
About Tudor Girba

Tudor Gîrba is a software environmentalist and CEO of where he works with an amazing team to make the inside of systems explainable. Much of the work is embodied in Glamorous Toolkit (, a novel environment that enables Moldable Development, a way of programming through custom tools built for each development problem.

Moldable Development: programming through custom tools
Software Delivery Craft Matters
agile development
software development
vital skills
Level: General
In schedule:
Pink Stage
May 30, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

At first, programming was about code.At some point, tests became code. This introduced a new feedback loop and programming changed.Then, infrastructure became code. This too introduced a new feedback loop and programming changed again.Now, tools are becoming code. This is also introducing a new feedback loop and programming is changing yet again.Tools as code are tools that can be adapted and exte...