Craft 2024 - Sander Hoogendoorn
Sander Hoogendoorn
Chief Technology Officer at
About Sander Hoogendoorn

Meet Sander Hoogendoorn, an independent dad, and traveler. A seasoned developer with over four decades of experience and still daily writing code, Sander has survived in the tech world in various roles, from CTO of companies like iBOOD (currently), ANVA, and Klaverblad, to being Capgemini's global agile thought leader.

Known for his post-agile mindset and provocative perspectives, Sander empowers organizations and teams to break free from the norm and embrace innovation. He's not just about writing code; he's about rewriting the rules.

As an author and captivating speaker, Sander has shared his ideas and practices at international conferences, covering topics from disruption, culture, and life beyond agile, to continuous delivery, microteams, software architecture, monads, microservices, and the art of writing elegant code. He believes in the power of critical thinking to solve problems and encourages teams to approach software development with a strategic, mindful touch.

Discover Sander - the coding rebel who believes in small steps as the path to progress and the mind as the ultimate tool for success.

The Zen of Programming. A personal journey toward writing beautiful code
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

Ever since he wrote his first lines of code in 1982, Sander Hoogendoorn has been fascinated by the beauty of some code and the pure evil of other code. In these 40 years, Sander has worked with hundreds of developers. He has written code in many different paradigms, languages, ecosystems, and frameworks, always searching for better, more elegant ways to solve problems.Is there really no silver bul...

Getting Unstuck. Strategies for Surviving in a Rapidly Changing Post-Agile World
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

This is the era of rapid and increasing change, adapting rapidly or perishing. Many organizations, big and small, struggle to survive. Their products and software have aged and become hard to maintain until they reach Technical Death, where all available effort goes into mere survival. At the same time, in our global economy, competition comes from anywhere, with better products built at lower cos...