Craft 2024 - Marianne Bellotti
Marianne Bellotti
Author, Engineering Leader, Systems Geek at Bellotti.Tech
About Marianne Bellotti

Marianne Bellotti is a software engineer who specializes in restoring legacy systems to operational excellence. She's the author of the bestselling book on the topic: Kill It With Fire. As part of United States Digital Service she responded to incidents at the State Department, the IRS, the Department of Defense, among others. Prior to federal service she worked for the United Nations on data sharing during ongoing humanitarian crises. As part of Rebellion Defense she worked on AI Safety from an ergonomics perspective and founded the platform engineering team. She's currently focusing on the application of formal logic in triage and incident response, including developing the modeling language Fault. 

Improving Software Architecture Through Murder
Software Delivery Craft Matters
code quality
software architecture
software development
Level: General
In schedule:
Main Stage
May 31, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

So-called “Murder Boards” have a long history in politics and military operations, but they actually started at NASA as part of the engineering process. This talk revisits the format and its practical applications in software engineering. What is the psychology around them? How do we know when “murder” is appropriate? How do murder boards differ from more traditional structures like code review, p...