Craft 2024 - Laura Tacho
Laura Tacho
About Laura Tacho

Laura Tacho is CTO at DX, a developer experience company. She previously led teams at companies like CloudBees, Codeship, Aula Education, and Nova Credit. She’s an expert in building world-class engineering organisations that consistently deliver outstanding results. Laura has coached CTOs and other engineering leaders from startups to the Fortune 500, and also facilitates a popular course on metrics and engineering team performance.

Why Your Productivity Metrics Fail
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

“Picking metrics is the hardest part.” Wouldn’t it be great if that were true? The hardest part is everything around the metrics, and it’s those decisions that will determine whether your organisation is able to use metrics effectively – or if they’re actually going to cause your engineering culture to take a nosedive. In this talk, we’ll compare and contrast successful initiatives to improve deve...