Craft 2024 - Ivan Brezak Brkan
Ivan Brezak Brkan
Director of Developer content at ShiftMag
About Ivan Brezak Brkan

Ivan (IBB) is helps engineers and their teams write better blogs, handbooks and more – based on more than 15 years of experience as a technology editor. At Infobip, Ivan leads the Developer content team that has helped over 100 engineers start writing and even started – an award-winning developer magazine. Formetly, he founded Netokracija, “The Techcrunch of the Balkans” – according to Techcrunch itself.

Creating An Engineering Handbook In 3 Days (or Less)
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

When our 800-strong engineering department had to scale our engineering hiring globally, we couldn’t just publish a few blog posts and be done. And we were on a deadline - We went from the idea of “we need to write a book on how we do things” to crafting a global Engineering Handbook in a 3-day workshop, from concept to almost published draft. It took a team of 20 engineers, employer branding and ...