Craft 2024 - David Leitner
David Leitner
Chief Technologist at SQUER
About David Leitner

David is Chief Technologist at SQUER, a Software Company based in Munich and Vienna, working with different stacks and environments but always an overarching mission: connect ideas and provide impact — with technology. He spends much of his time on the frontlines tackling the challenges of scaling software and complex domains, with a strong focus on cloud-native architectures and infrastructures. David enjoys sharing his knowledge as a conference speaker and lecturer for his post-diploma courses at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna.

Beyond Strangler Fig: Effective Patterns for Architectural Modernization
Software Delivery Craft Matters
software architecture
design patterns
domain-driven design
legacy code
technical debt
technical excellence
Level: Intermediate+
In schedule:
Orange Stage
May 30, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

This talk delves into real-world stories of transitioning from legacy systems to modern architectures. You'll learn from firsthand experiences by spotlighting technical challenges, inevitable pitfalls, and lessons learned. But we will also go beyond the code and will explore the sociotechnical aspect of legacy migration, emphasizing the crucial role of organizational change and highlighting the si...