Craft 2024 - Benedek Kovács
Benedek Kovács
expert, Edge Computing at Ericsson
About Benedek Kovács

Expert for edge computing at Ericsson responsible for the related network architecture in 5G and 6G including network services and APIs. Benedek is head of technology and innovation at Ericsson Hungary R&D center. Kovács holds an M.Sc. in information engineering and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Network programmability and telecommunication APIs
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 31, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

Network programmability and network APIs are essential for exposing network services to vertical applications. These capabilities appeared with 5G and will be big in 6G. The main goal is to make mobile cellular networks as easy to configure as possible....