Workshop details

2023. May 19., 2023.05.19. 11:10-12:10
In schedule:
Sponsor Arena
May 19, 11:10 - 12:10 CET
Don't put the Coke on the bread - Algorithms in industry
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General

Santa Claus has one night to deliver millions of presents to every child around the world. Similarly, the Pickers at Tesco have one day to collect over 12 million ordered items for our Customers, walking the distance of Earth's circumference all together every day.
Join us as we explore how we transformed our online grocery fulfilment service with the power of algorithms at Tesco Technology. Discover how our smart optimization techniques enabled us to achieve faster picking, improve the performance and accuracy of distance calculations on the shop floor, and enhance the customer experience.

Craft 2023 - Andor Kelemen
Andor Kelemen
Senior Software Engineer at Tesco Technology

Andor is a Senior Software Engineer at Tesco Technology working in the Online Customer Fulfilment platform team. He designed a brand new shop floor experience for the employees with his team in the last 3 years and helped Tesco to go live with a brand new software. He is passionate about building distributed event driven systems and tackling scaling challenges....