Workshop details

2023. May 16., May 16, 8:30-17:00
Application Networking Foundations Workshop with eBPF, Cilium, Envoy, and Istio
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General

The landscape for connecting, securing, and observing cloud-native applications continues to evolve rapidly. The purpose of this workshop is to equip engineers with a foundational understanding of the most influential building blocks in today’s application networking space.Each individual session in the workshop focuses on a particular technology with a focus on hands-on learning through installation-free, guided training modules. In this day-long workshop, we will offer getting-started sessions with the following open-source technologies:

  • Envoy proxy (L4/L7 proxy underlying modern API gateways and service meshes like Istio and Kuma);

  • eBPF (running sandboxed programs in the Linux kernel);

  • Cilium (eBPF-based networking, security, and observability); and

  • Istio (world’s most popular service mesh).

In addition to the hands-on sessions, each individual module offers an optional free certification exam sponsored by, with badges administered by Credly. Engineers will be provided time near the end of each module to complete the corresponding exam.

More details on the content of each module is available for Envoy, eBPF, Cilium, and Istio.

Craft 2023 - Jim Barton
Jim Barton
Field Engineer at

Jim Barton is a Field Engineer for whose enterprise software career spans 30 years. He has enjoyed roles as a project engineer, sales and consulting engineer, product development manager, and executive leader of tech startups. Prior to Solo, he spent a decade architecting, building and operating systems based on enterprise open-source technologies, at the likes of Red Hat, Amazon, and Zapp...

Craft 2023 - Krisztian Fekete
Krisztian Fekete
Field Engineer at

Krisztian is enthusiastic about observability and cloud infrastructures. He's now working at as an engineer. Previously, he was working at LastPass as senior DevOps/SRE engineer. Krisztian is building a self hosted blog on top of Istio in his spare time. The main topics of the blog are aligned with his interests while he is also using the platform to share operational anecdotes on running ...