Yey, We’ve won! Us proud nerds “rule the world”. Apparently, so to speak. The world runs on software. And we make the software.
You control the code - you control the world.
But it doesn’t really feel that way, does it? More like facilitators in a complex game, between interests and motivations external to us.
Coding is just the beginning. How do you deal with doing “both this and that”, rather than “this or that?”
How do you deal with stress? How do you mentally prepare for a fundamental change every X years in a field so demanding that it’s measured at “dog years”?
We will talk about what it is to be a ‘Renaissance geek’ and how to jiggle between life’s Containers, about big words like “calling”/designation, ‘comfort code’, the importance of being ‘offline’ and more.
Seasoned InfoSec researcher & hacker. Sassi has accumulated extensive experience in information security for ~30 years, in Red-Blue team assessments, conducting forensic investigations and more, including Fortune100 accounts. Advisory board member of Javelin Networks (acquired by Symantec in 2018). Worked for Microsoft ~8 years as Technology Group Manager and coded support tools for Windows Se...