Talk details

In schedule:
Innovation Stage
May 18, 14:00 - 14:45 CET
Event Sourcing: Superpower or super pain?
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General

Event sourcing offers a bold promise: being able to capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events. Sometimes it can feel so powerful, as if you’re able to time travel or have x-ray vision! But as all superhero fans know, with great power comes great responsibility (or in our case, great headaches).
Marshmallow has been using event sourcing since Day 1 to manage thousands of customers’ insurance policies, changes, renewals and more. Heather will be sharing some of the lessons we’ve learned over the years of real-life event sourcing - the amazing benefits seen, the growing pains faced while scaling the company rapidly, and where we’ve shot ourselves with laser beams in the foot.

Craft 2023 - Heather Whyte
Heather Whyte
Backend Engineer at Marshmallow

Heather is a software engineer who spends her days working on Java, microservices, and all the backend tools that help put them together. After years studying finance and working in operations around the world, Heather will always have a soft spot for a good old fashioned spreadsheet, but she is currently focused on making insurance more modern, accessible and affordable at Marshmallow in London....