Craft 2023 - Thayse Onofrio
Thayse Onofrio
Lead Software Engineer at Thoughtworks
About Thayse Onofrio

Thayse is a Lead Software Engineer at Thoughtworks, based in Brazil. She loves working with front-end development and has an MBA in Agile Software Engineering. She’s interested in best practices for building software, enabling engineering teams, and diversifying the tech industry. She likes participating in tech communities and believes in making technology more inclusive and accessible to everyone. 

Why Software Engineers Should Make Quality a Priority: The Benefits of Shift-Left Testing
Software Delivery Craft Matters
software engineering
shift-left testing
Level: General
In schedule:
Craft Cirque
May 19, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

It is well understood that quality is an important element for software delivery to occur frequently and safely. But quality is a broad concept that can be applied in a variety of ways across organizations. QAs can be a dedicated team or even part of a cross-functional team, in which they are held accountable for quality. However, relying on just one role to ensure quality can introduce numerous r...