About Lóránt Kovács
Lóránt is Head of Software Development at Tesco Technology. He is leading the Store Edge organisation. His mission is to enable teams to deliver an application in the store.
Store Edge + Mission 40k
Software Delivery Craft Matters
Level: General
2023.05.18. 14:30-15:00
Sponsor Arena
In schedule:
Sponsor Arena
May 18, 14:30 - 15:00 CET
What does Edge computing mean? How to do Egde computing in a store environment? In his talk Lóránt will highlight the Edge cases and problem statement challenges of this area and present Tesco’s continuous store delivey solution and how goals are achieved. He will also talk about how 30+ teams are enabled to deliver applications in a safe and realiable way and manage 40+ devices in the UK and the ...