April Jefferson is a collaboration facilitator, generative coach, innovation igniter, game creator, trainer, and curator of engaged learning spaces — live, online, and hybrid. She has experience in design thinking, Agile, Lean, UX, gamification, and Open Space.
She has worked to implement and scale change at organizations in the automotive, education, finance, healthcare, energy, and services industries.
April is passionate about empowering others to foster change in organizations and society and has shared over 100 talks and workshops domestically and internationally. She hosts multiple meetups, has co-founded three active communities, including the Future of Work 24 Hours, Women in Agile Open, and Melanated Action Society, and sits on the board for Agile Open Northwest and the Open Space Institute US.
April lives in the Detroit metropolitan area with her husband, 5 kids, and their dog. When not with the family she is writing a book or is active in communities.
In this interactive talk, we get intimate with Flow. As a practitioner, how are you responding to this hyper-connected and distracting work environment? How is it impacting the flow of your work and life? Sustainable delivery of value requires flow. Disruptions to flow impede our ability to get to the outcomes we desire.Flow is like water and it can travel through many places. When movin...