
Join our free meetups before the conference begins!

Previous meetups
Craft 2023- Craft Conference + HUSTEF Conference joint meet-up
Craft Conference + HUSTEF Conference joint meet-up
2023-05-17 2023.05.17. 17:30 CET

"As you have probably heard about it HUSTEF Conference and Craft Conference will be teaming up this year again and organize a joint meet-up. Craft will bring 2 of their speakers and we will take care of the rest which is a cool venue which will be "A Grund" , beers and snacks.

Our first speaker is NIVIA HENRY who is an Engineering Director at Spotify.

Nivia is a technologist with over 20 years of engineering and leadership experience.

Her career path has included nearly every role in tech; but her true passion is inspiring people to do their best work.
These days Nivia applies her talents as Director of Engineering for Spotify's new music team, tasked with bringing enriching artist expression tools and experiences to Spotify.

Nivia gives back to the tech community by speaking at, chairing and attending tech conferences.
Her hobbies include: mentoring Black engineering leaders; reading; and relaxing on her farm with her hubby Andre and their feline overlord Zuko."

Craft 2023- Full Stack Meetup Budapest
Full Stack Meetup Budapest
2023-05-17 2023.05.17. 17:00 CET

I am proudly presenting this year's Craft Conf event of the FSBP series.

We bring you two principals from the Craft Conference lineup and we have a special gift. Use the FullStackAtCraft code for individual tickets with 20% discount and the FullStackAtCraftGroup code for group tickets to get 10% discount.


Our first speaker is Michael Feathers (@mfeathers), and he is going to explain us the "Patterns of Systems Renewal".

Let's imagine: You’ve acquired a codebase; let’s outline the situation you’re likely experiencing.

You’re tasked with extensive work within codebase technologies you’ve never seen before. Maybe the codebase has been abandoned. Perhaps key developers have left the organization without a knowledge transfer plan. You may be part of a group that has been tasked with taking it over and rewriting it or modernizing it. All you know is that you have plenty of learning to do and not enough time to learn it. How do you approach it?

In this talk, Michael Feathers will outline Patterns of Systems Renewal. The patterns cover a variety of activities, from code reading and interviewing/investigation techniques to the work strategies that make it possible to continuously deliver value with little prior experience of the code you’ve inherited.


Our second speaker is Simon Brown (@simonbrown) and his topic is "The C4 model - misconceptions, misuses, and mistakes".

The C4 model for visualising software architecture has been gaining traction, with many organisations adopting it as their preferred way to document software architecture. Although C4 is relatively lightweight and straightforward, there are several misconceptions that I see on a regular basis, and several common ways in which teams use C4 incorrectly. Join me for a tour of these things, and hear my advice on how to model things like shared code, microservices, and larger software systems.

Simon is an independent consultant specialising in software architecture. He is the author of “Software Architecture for Developers” (a developer-friendly guide to software architecture, technical leadership and the balance with agility), the creator of the C4 model for visualising software architecture, and the creator of the Structurizr tooling. Simon is a regular speaker at international software development conferences, and travels the world to help organisations visualise their software architecture.

This meetup is brought to you by One Identity and the Craft Crew. Thanks for all the fish!

Details in a nutshell:
Craft Conf Edition 2023 with Michael Feathers & Simon Brown
date: 17:00 - 17 May, 2023
venue: One Identity HQ, Office Garden II, Aliz u. 2
public transport:

  • tram 1 + 100m walk from Hengermalom út / Szerémi út stop

  • tram 17, 41, 47, 48, 56 + 600m walk from Etele út / Fehérvári út stop

  • bus 33/133E + 500 m walk from Hengermalom út stop

we will have pizzas and beers [and soft drinks as well] "

Craft 2023- Craft Pre-conference DDD Meetup
Craft Pre-conference DDD Meetup
2023-05-16 2023.05.16. 17:00 CET

Do you remember what a great time we had with Nick Tune at previous Craft pre-conference meetups? Well, good news, this year right before Craft conference we are going to have Domain-driven Design flavored meetup again aaaand not just with one but with two star guests this time:

I cannot tell how much I'm looking forward to having these 2 great people here :)
Also, there will be a surprise too for those ones who haven’t bought their conference tickets yet, so don’t miss the opportunity!
Venue, topic and agenda to follow, but I just wanted to make sure everyone saves this date in their calendar, that's why announcing the meetup now. So you have enough time to sweap out all your meetings and everything else from 16th of May :)

See you there!